New 50th JIP33 Specification published: S-729 Control Valves
JIP33 is proud to announce and issue its 50th JIP33 specification, Control Valves, which is now available to download and use free of charge from the JIP33 website.
Adri Postema, JIP33 Program Director says:
“At a time in which the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the current disruption of the global energy market as a result of the war in Ukraine stresses the need for competitive procurement specifications that help us to move quicker through the energy transition.”
Over the past five years, the constructive collaboration of the experts of our 12 sponsors has been amazing. They have demonstrated a commitment to agreeing the essential minimum that is required in our specifications. Manufacturers, suppliers and EPC’s are playing an increasing role in these discussions and have become our allies in driving towards cost effective supply chains. Standard Development Organisations show a willingness to consider JIP33 content in future standards updates. We have never seen this level of industry collaboration before.
We also want to use this milestone to recognize the contributions of Aker Solutions, our partner in the process. Every working group has different challenges, and driving complex technical discussions to a conclusion is not always trivial.”
The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of requirements for the procurement of control valves for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
About JIP33
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) started Joint Industry Programme (JIP)33 in 2016. Its aim is to develop standardized specifications that enable the industry supply chain to become better, cheaper and faster.
50 specifications have now been published to date and are already delivering benefits for users worldwide, with another 11 in development (including scope expansion) and 11 in maintenance.
If you would like to learn more about JIP33, join us for our upcoming webinar on the adoption and use of JIP33 Procurement Specifications, organised by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers. Click on the link to register for this event – JIP33 Webinar – IOGP JIP33 Procurement Specifications for the Oil & Gas Industry (3) (on24.com)
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